The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it — Richard Bach

I have just come across this original project by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

The Beckoning of Lovely is an expanding film project involving hundreds of strangers from around the world. Amy Krouse Rosenthal initiated the project last fall by filming a spontaneous public gathering on 8/08/08 at “The Bean” in Millennium Park. The event was a beautiful testament to the power of community, cooperation, and hope amongst strangers in the name of all things lovely. The project has since evolved into the making of a full-length feature film.

One year later

She is also a children’s book author. And that speaks to me greatly at the moment. I love such versatile and creative people.

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2 Responses to The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it — Richard Bach

  1. Tim says:


    That was so cool! I live in Chicago, but had not heard of this. It was very powerful. Thank you for turning me onto her. By the way, the Bean and Millenium Park is one of my favorite places in Chicago. Good luck with your children's book, Mimi.

  2. MindFul MiMi says:

    @ Tim: Well next time she does something you can check her out and let us know.


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