People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one – Leo J. Burke

Oh how I would like to write a thoughtprovoking, meaningful post on a political or psychological topic!

But on 19 December 2007 our second son joined our family and I have since been suffering from chronic sleep deprivation which does not allow for deep thoughts and elaboration of any topic other than sleep.

Believe me, if I were a dictator and had to torture someone, I would deprive him of sleep. It is worse than suffering hunger or thirst. Lack of sleep increases death, it has an influence on your metabolism, your brain activity, your blood pressure. And for me it obviously has an impact on the people around me. I am irritable and a little mishap such as a broken cup can be the end of the world.

Things weren’t that bad when I had number one. I would sleep when he was sleeping. But number one now wants attention when number two is asleep. And number two still does not know the difference between day and night.

Luckily I have a very thoughtful, helpful and patient man who takes number one to the DIY store for a typical male exploration of the tools section. He cooks and does all the works that still need to be done with the extension of the house. And we have a cleaning lady.

Read this interesting article.

So bear with me while I catch up on my sleep and sanity and marvel at the little miracle in my arms.

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3 Responses to People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one – Leo J. Burke

  1. Indeterminacy says:

    Congratulations! I hadn’t read the news yet. That must be difficult with two children wanting attention.

    Happy New Year too!

  2. La delirante says:


  3. Karen says:

    Congratulations on the safe arrival of your new son. You must be very thrilled!

    I remember the sleepless nights … and the absolute torture of not being able to just lie down and close your eyes. I also remember, having done it three times, that it does end. They grow up, and you suddenly wish they were small again.

    Enjoy your beautiful baby, Mimi.


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