Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock – Pablo Picasso

Before I was a mom, I used to go to bed late. Or early but I’d read until late. I could sleep until noon without feeling I’d lost a day. I had to set my alarm clock to get out of bed in the morning. Although I do not fall into the category of an early riser, I do not have a problem to get out of bed when the thing buzzes. I do not understand the concept of the snooze button. I prefer to set the alarm at the correct time and then get up. At least those 10 minutes of snooze are spent in deep sleep and not dozing.

When I became a mom, the whole concept of time changed. There was no more ME time. Time was spent looking after a baby and making sure its every wish was catered for immediately. No alarm clock was used in the first months. I adapted to my son’s rythm, waking and sleeping when he did.

Once I started working again, I needed to get organised. I used the alarm clock once more in order to get up before my son, prepare breakfast, pump some milk, take a shower, get dressed, dress my son and be ready to go.

After my second son was born, the same scenario was played out all over again in the first few months. And my oldest son was the perfect alarm clock shouting Mammmmmaaaaaa at 7 o’clock sharp!

I now find myself not having to set the alarm. Before going to bed I know I have to get up at a certain time and I will miraculously wake up around that time. I find it mysterious and interesting how the body clock changes and adapts.

When our boys were sleeping over at their grandparents’, I was so much looking forward to sleeping in in the morning. Of course I woke up at 7 am sharp thinking I heard someone call me… But it was a pleasure to be able to turn around and go back to dreamland for an hour more.

Next week I have to start working again and I will have to use the alarm once again in order to get up before everyone else and become the busy bee preparing for the day to come.
They say regular exercise is good. As my boys are with my parents today, I better go out for a run.

Some related sites:
Here are 5 ways to syncrhonize your body’s clock.
Women and sleep
Sleep Drive and Your Internal Body Clock by the National Sleep Foundation.

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One Response to Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock – Pablo Picasso

  1. Anne says:

    I can totally relate to you. It is school holidays here and I am still getting up at 6am in the dark. I soothe myself with the thought that it is the only totally quiet time of my day so I make the most of it. See? I visit your blog then!


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