Children see… Children do…Make your influence positive

This is a very thought provoking video about the influence we have on children.

Children learn by copying the behavior they see around them. And if you are a parent, you know this very well at the latest by the time you hear your three year old say a word he isn’t supposed to even know in his sweet innocence.

But also other family members and friends have their influence.
Wherever you are in sight of a child, your behavior is being watched and maybe copied.

And if you don’t want to feel like you’re living in the Big Brother house, the best way is to always behave impeccably.


But awareness alone can make a change.
Be that change.

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2 Responses to Children see… Children do…Make your influence positive

  1. Lance says:

    That video is so forcefully showing just the impact we have on children. We can tell them what is right to do, but it's what they see that really sticks. Mimi, this is such an important message to get out there and share. We influence through our actions…good or bad…

  2. MindFul MiMi says:

    @ Lance: it is something that worries me often. Noone is perfect and neither am I. So I am not always the perfect example to my children. And I always worry on how that will rub off on them… But, as my husband says: no matter how well you do, when they hit their teens, they will hate you anyway :-)


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