Herman Hesse

Today just some wise words from Hermann Hesse:

“You know quite well, deep within you,

that there is only a single magic,

a single power,

a single salvation…

and that is called loving.

Well then, love your suffering.

Do not resist it,

do not flee from it.

It is only your aversion to it

that hurts, nothing else.”


…nothing in the world

is more distasteful to a man

than to take the path

that leads to himself.


If you hate a person,

you hate something in him

that is part of yourself.

What isn’t part of ourselves

doesn’t disturb us.


~Hermann Hesse
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3 Responses to Herman Hesse

  1. Anne says:

    There are some thought provoking statements there. Thank you for the post. I hope you don’t mind me linking to them at some stage.

  2. Mewie says:

    Great quote. The love and hate explanations work very well with me. It took me a long time to figure out that love is the answer to everything. The hard part now is to remain loving. =)

  3. MindFul MiMi says:

    Anne, feel free to link. Thanks for visiting.

    Mewie, it is hard work, every day. But so rewarding. Thanks for stopping by.


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